Monday, March 9, 2009

New Blogs

Saw a few games this past weekend, and hadn't had a chance to blog about them.

Thursday Night Foley @ Pierz girls- I was really impressed and proud of the way Foley, and specifically their 5 seniors played in this game. This was the best game of the year for Beth G. Bry S, and Brook K. I like Pierz youth, as their sophomore class seems loaded. It will take a lot though because they lose the production of Gabby Boser, and the toughness of Kaari Jensen.
It's too bad the winner got EV-W as Foley got crushed 69-27 Saturday Night.

I also saw Albany vs. Sauk Centre. I am a big believer in fouling with a 3 point lead under 10 seconds, and Albany had a chance to do it 2x and didn't either time, 2 SC bombs as time expired, and some cold FT shooting and now SC get's NLS and not Albany. Great game though, the girls left it on the floor.

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