Monday, June 1, 2009

My last blog was on my 30th BDay???

Man what was I thinking? Why wasn't I doing something more fun then blogging?
So I am not sure how much longer I will blog, I have some mixed emotions about it, and it's help/hindrance to my basketball life.

I didn't start this blog, to promote myself, and I have done very little self promotion of it. I am just not sure, I have the time, literary skills, or continued interest in it. I don't get any credit for blogging for grad school, and I certainly don't get paid, so maybe I should find something else? I also find myself not doing it nearly as much as I did in the winter(This directly correlates to me having much less free time now).

So I am not sure, I see myself sooner than later getting into college coaching, I feel like I have some great college connections, and I have been offered a couple low level college assistant jobs already in my day, but the "RIGHT JOB" hasn't been offered to me yet. When it is, my bags will be packed, and I will be ready to go. So I don't know if part time blogger is a great resume builder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You didn't start the blog??
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